So far we've done quite a bit of wandering, trying to see "all the sites" if that is even possible. EVERYWHERE you look in Paris there is a stunning piece of architecture to admire...the beauty is somewhat overwhelming! If feels like each amazing building "should be" some amazing landmark...but many of them are just apartments or stores, with the occasional old palace that is now a post office or something thrown in for good measure.
I know that Paris has a tonne of "must eat" places but I've not booked into any of them bar Frenchie on our second last night. I wanted to be able to "go with the flow" and just pop into somewhere that looks good as we're out and about wandering, rather than rushing here, there and everywhere to get to the must-dine locations. Maybe that's a mistake, but I'm hoping it's going to make for a relaxing, fly-by-the-seat-of-our-pants kind of trip (well, as much as a control freak can fly-by-the-seat of her pants that is).
So, sit back, relax and come and explore Paris with me...

So, that's the sights - but what have we eaten? We've only had a few meals out so far...sitting at the sidewalk tables of various bistros that have been in the neighbourhoods we're exploring. Great food, but those little sidewalk tables are NOT made for big-boned ladies like moi that's for sure.
I'm VERY excited that I got to try real Onion Paris. It was wonderful, though they could've served me dishwater and I would've thought that was amazing too! So far The Boy's highlight has been a meal of Confit Duck on Rue Cler this afternoon (though he said it wasn't as good as the Confit Duck that Restaurant Atelier in Glebe dishes up, natch).

We've also made great friends with our local boulangerie and supermarket - it's a tasty, but cheap way to have a French(ish) meal without blowing the budget. We've rented an apartment for our week in Paris that has a full sized kitchen so we're enjoying these throw together meals of ours. I've also noticed a few fromageries and charcuteries nearby so I plan to pay them a visit sometime soon...once I get over my nerves at having to do sign language to order cheese in front of a tres chic French person!

Au revoir!