Monday, May 13, 2013

Balcony Garden: Harvest Monday #24

Whilst out stalking my balcony garden recently I noticed a bit of a "situation" on one of the tomato plants. All seemed well from a distance - a nice mix of still green, ripening and ripe tomatoes all happily buzzing along. And then I lent closer and saw...OMG! Someone had munched through one of my tomatoes - drilling a hole in the top with their evil little fangs and then eating their way through the fruit and then out the bottom.

I did what any sane gardener would do! I bellowed for The Boy to bring me a bowl toot sweet and I picked every single ripe or near ripe tomato on the bushes and brought them inside to the safety of my kitchen...where I was going to eat them.

Of course woman cannot live on tomatoes I added some rocket and chives from the balcony and topped it up with some store bought cucumber and capsicum.

Viola! Salad!

And watching all this caterpillar induced hysteria is Tabby - one of furry house guests whom we had been minding (along with her two siblings) for Cat Protection Society.  We couldn't get within a foot of her whilst she stayed here but she would happily watch all the crazing goings-on on the balcony from the safety of her window seat.

You can view more Harvest Monday posts on Daphne's Dandelions blog.

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