Sunday, October 31, 2010

Rosebud Restaurant & Bar, Rozelle

Today I meet up for brunch at Rosebud Restaurant & Bar in Rozelle with my lovely friend, SusieQ and her two kiddlewinks…let’s call them Lady Gaga (aged 5…ish) and Prince William (about 2…ish).

As we walk into the restaurant we are greeted by a lovely waitress who advises us that “things” have recently changed at Rosebud.  The menu can now be found on a HUGE chalkboard that covers an entire wall of the café.  When we’re ready to order we can go up to the register and “Rebecca” will take our order.

This sounds simple enough.  However the chalkboard is SO far from our table, and obscured by a wall, that we have to go over to the board to check out what’s on offer.

This isn’t a problem for me as I have no kids to look after.  SusieQ (and nearly every second diner) is travelling with kids so this set up is a bit of pain.

As I look around the café, I realise what a logistical nightmare this type of ordering system is for parents (and there are many many people here with their small children).  This place is bedlam with parents running between the table and menu board advising their kids/spouse/friend of what’s on offer and asking what they want to order. Urgh.

Having a menu that we could have perused at our table would have made things so much easier!  When I go to the counter to place our orders I notice that there are stack of printed menus, but no one has one on their table. WTF?

SusieQ takes Lady Gaga up to the Great Wall of Menu to decide what they’ll be having. I’m left alone with Prince William.  I ask him what he’d like to talk about and he looks at me like I’m from outer space and promptly wanders off to befriend a small child who’s been left at nearby table with his father.  I am obviously mother material…not.

The Great Wall of Menu
SusieQ decides on the Spicy Lamb Burger ($17.50) after spying it on someone else’s table and thinking it looks tasty. 

Lady Gaga and Prince William will share a serve of pancakes with honey ($11.00).

It’s my turn to stalk the menu board.  The cooked breakfast seems to be a “build your own” situation with each item adding to the cost.  I quickly work out this could end up very expensive and I’m on a budget.  I settle on a $9 bowl of Homemade Granola (translation for us Aussie folks, Muesli).  

SusieQ and I both order a large skinny cappuccino ($4.50) to help calm our nerves after the ordering saga.

The coffee arrives before I’ve even made it back to the table – now that is fast service.  The coffee comes in an enorumous cup and is just what the doctor ordered!

Much need caffeine injection
My Homemade Granola arrives hot on the heels of the coffee, but we wait for about 15 minutes for the rest of our order.  

Homemade Granola aka Muesli
The Granola is toasted and topped with a generous dollop of yoghurt, stewed berries, fresh strawberries and chopped dates. It is exactly what I feel like after having eaten SOOOO must food over the last few weeks.

When the rest of our order finally arrives I know better than to try and take a snap of the kiddlewinks pancakes.  I’m a bit surprised that for $11 there are only two small pancakes on the plate.  The kids seem happy enough though, but I know it wouldn’t be enough to satisfy me.

The Lamb Burger looks delicious and SusieQ tells me it’s very tasty.  The burger is piled high with a spicy lamb pattie, caramelised onion, a fat wedge of feta, tomato, rocket and a side serve of salad greens.

Little hands coming in for some food
I have food envy.

After brunch we head over to the Rozelle Markets for a quick peak.  The sunny weather means that the markets are PACKED with stalls and shoppers.  Has summer finally arrived?

To market we go
Rosebud Restaurant & Bar is at 654 Darling Street, Rozelle.

Rosebud Restaurant & Bar on Urbanspoon

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