As well as an epically large outdoor area selling fresh produce, there is a spectacular old market hall crammed with lovely little shop fronts that I love to wander past, drooling at the delights on offer and lamenting that I ate too much at breakfast to fit anything else in. I did manage to buy a few mandarins to help me "feel healthy" on the trip - probably the only fruit I ate the whole time we were in Melbourne. Dear me.
If I lived in Melbourne this is where I would love to come and do my weekly grocery shopping - everything you need is here - fruit, vegetables, deli items, fresh meat and poultry, sweeties and even organic produce. I imagine this is what shopping in a European Market might be like - wandering through the market, visiting all of your favourite sellers. Bliss!
Of course, whilst I am waxing lyrical about the lovely produce inside the hall The Boy has his sights firmly set on the Doughnut Van outside. Six pipping-hot-jam-filled doughnuts for $6.00 - what could be better than that?
Queen Victoria Market is on the corner of Victoria and Elizabeth Streets in the Melbourne CBD. Check out their website for details on their opening hours.