Sunday, August 21, 2011

Old Bus Depot Market, Canberra

Our last stop in Canberra on The Boys birthday weekend is the Old Bus Depot Markets.  To be perfectly honest this little side-trip is more for me than The Boy.  I'd read briefly about the markets somewhere or other and as I love a good market we agreed to do a whirlwind visit before heading back to Old Sydney Town.

In retrospect it seems a little silly that I had NO idea this was a rather large food market.  At least half of the enormous old bus depot is given over to fresh produce, organic goods, baked treats, jams and so on.  The other half of the depot houses craft and clothing for those not interested in food (do people like that exist)?

As soon as we walked into the market I was kicking myself that we'd had such a big breakfast at Gus'. There were so many tasty looking things that I wanted to try but I was just too full to even contemplate anything more than a Salted Caramel Macaron and a freshly squeezed OJ (both of which were delicious)!

We wandered around for a while and our breakfast settled enough for us to try a few olives, nuts, pizza, breads and dips that the stallholders had on offer. The olives were wonderful so we bought a tub of Za'atar Olives to bring home as well as some cashew nuts.

The Old Bus Depot Markets can be found at 21 Wentworth Avenue, Kingston, ACT. They can be contacted on (02) 6295 3331 or The markets are on each Sunday between 10am - 4pm. Be there or...go hungry!


  1. Nice photos! Do we love Mr Nikon yet?

  2. I love the warm apple cider that the guy there stand, and stirs his pots, good to know he's still around.

  3. Canberra is too expensive for produce.
    I always do my shopping in Sydney and bring it down to Canberra.
    Fish, Meat, Fruit & Veg, Delicatessens, Asian grocers, etc is so cheap in Sydney & Melbourne compared to Canberra.

  4. Department of used sticks hehe!!

    I love the old bus depot markets.

    Did you get the macaron from Dream Cuisine? They are the best!

  5. Used sticks? lol! Awesome! This looks like a great day. Next time you go back, no Gus's for you haha. Save it all for here

  6. The markets look great. What a mass of macrons.

  7. looks so fun! i love markets but can never wake up before it closes...

  8. Hey Miss Piggy, loved touring the Old Bus Depot Markets with you... a great Canberra outing. Excellent pics!

  9. I really like the old-fashioned lemonade they have there, as well as the nuts stand from Bateman's Bay (I think) - they're caramel macadamias are huge!


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