Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Balcony Garden: Harvest Monday #6

Cos Lettuce seems to be the garden veggie that just keeps on giving! I love it!  It seems to be a better crop  for the balcony garden than something like peas which grow, fruit and then die.  My peas took so much effort to grow and I only got 20 peas off the plant...it was quite upsetting I have to say *sobs*.

When I first grew Cos Lettuce I was pulling the whole lot up by the roots when I wanted to eat some...until a colleague set me straight.  Rather than picking the entire lettuce you can actually just snip off the leaves from the bottom...and the plant will happily keep growing up, and up, and UP!  At some point I assume the lettuce will get too tall for it's britches and just fall over, but until then we have A LOT of lettuce on our hands.

Apart from your bog-standard garden salad I've been making a lot of Caesar Salads with my Cos Lettuce haul.

When I make a Caesar Salad at home I go all out and use free-range chicken, free-range eggs and free-range bacon...then I ruin the whole lot with store bought dressing and croutons. And you know, it tastes bloody great! That said, if you have an EASY recipe for a Caesar Salad dressing I'd love to hear it...and what about some homemade croutons...do any of you make your own croutons?

You can view more Harvest Monday posts on Daphne's Dandelions blog.


  1. I am so impressed with your growing skills. Makes me want to grow fresh goodies too!

    1. You should - you can do the hanging baskets from your fence like I've done form my balcony rail. DO IT!

  2. Wow - very impressed - look at that growth!

  3. ahhhhh i want your pot of cos lettuce!! i kill everything i try and grow -_-' i like making my own croutons with bread scraps: break into bits, get a bowl and squish some garlic with olive oil and rosemary, dunk bread in and then spread the bread out on tray and grill until golden :D

    1. You can bake cakes and stuff - that's your superpower (wish I had that super power). Thanks for the crouton tip.

  4. Yummy, that looks great! I need to get our balcony garden started. That salad looks so delicious mmm.

    1. Start with Cos...can't believe how easy it is to grow.

  5. How great that your cos lettuce keeps on growing (and giving). Is it too late to plant some now, I wonder? I love Caesar salad, but it's the croutons and bacon that really do it for me =)

    1. I've just put in another batch...they have sprouted which is always a good sign.

  6. I love growing nice romaines and doing fresh caesar salads. They are divine. :D

    Your container grown plants look good. My container grown lettuces are looking pretty ratty now, still usable but on the end of their useful lives.

    1. Everything I grow is in pots (no yard) so I'm pleased the lettuce has done well - other stuff hasn't though which is a shame.

  7. Home-grown cos lettuce is just lovely isn't, especially thrown through a Caesar salad with a home-made dressing. You've inspired me to plant to cos over the holidays. Thanks for your post.

    1. Do you make your own dressing??? I wonder if it's simple....I'm all for the simple stuff.

  8. I made this same mistake with lots of our cut-and-come-again vegetables first time around!

    1. Yeah, I had NO idea - what a waste. Now I do the same with a lot of my leafy stuff...

  9. My cos is bolting at the moment and I'm missing it already. I occasionally make my own caesar salad dressing from scratch but more often I use bought mayo and add anchovies, lemon juice and garlic to it. The new goodlife has a version using bought mayo as a base which is pretty good.

  10. Very healthy looking balcony Cos you have there.....have you tried the red cos lettuce ? looks great in a mixed salad.


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