Monday, December 30, 2013

Balcony Garden: Harvest Monday #51

I'm slowing making my way towards having all the Balcony Garden ingredients for a full-blown salad. Today is not that day...

The tomatoes are still ripening, but I have a few good looking cucumbers, lettuces and some whackado leafy green called Mizuna that was given to me as seedlings by a colleague.  

I'm really impressed with the hefty size of my homegrown cucumber. As there's no way to hold a cucumber without it looking...rude, you'll just have to take my word that it was longer than my hand!

I'm always nervous cutting into my homegrown veggies. I fear that they'll either be rotten or crawling with bugs and grubs. Thankfully this cucumber was deliciously perfect! I have no idea how to tell if a cucumber is ripe, but as they grow their skin is quite spiky. I've assumed they're ripe when the spikes all but disappear.

I added in some store bought tomatoes, red onion, feta cheese and capsicum for a dinner salad...and it was DELICIOUS!

And the good news is that I have a few new cucumbers coming up. I'm always astonished at the way they grow...they can support their weight sideways until they get quite big. Pretty amazing!


And as always I'm on caterpillar's a daily thing. So far I've spotted their poop...but nothing more. Not a caterpillar in sight. I KNOW they are there...but where?

Happy gardening everyone xoxo


  1. Helen (grabyourfork)December 31, 2013 at 1:26 AM

    lol at the non-handling of cucumbers! i bet that salad tasted awesome. Happy New Year Mel - looking forward to more gardening and sewing success stories in 2014!

  2. these all look great.. We have one tomato nearly ripe, but a stack more soon to follow.. Our cucumber is booming and has escaped the bed on two sides of our garden bed, hopefully we will have a small harvest soon.


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