Whoever coined the phrase"you don't make friends with salad" has certainly never met me. I LOVE a good, hearty, tasty salad and it was the lure of such salads that drew me to Alexandria's Bread and Circus.

Bread and Circus is a wholefoods canteen with a focus on hearty, healthy fare. When the first opened a few years ago they didn't even serve coffee (just teas and juices) but I think they may have changed that policy...after all the lure of coffee is hard to deny (as is the revenue it brings in the door I'm sure).

There's quite a lot on offer on the menu from sandwich boxes, sandwiches and various breakfast items and daily plates. That all sounds really tasty but I'm here for one thing, and one thing only. SALAD!

The salads come in three sizes: side ($10), regular ($16) and sharing ($25). I decide to order the regular size as that way I can fit ALL the salads on offer on my plate. It's a good size though if you're ordering a side and aren't overly hungry and side plate would probably be enough.
There are five different salads on offer and I love the way that are all piled next to other. My favourites were whatever it was that had goats cheese in it, plus that cauliflower you see there...I reckon it has some cheese action going on as well.

A girl cannot live on salad alone however and a side of haloumi ($6.00) is to hard to resist. It is grilled to perfection and is SO delicious and I'm pleased that the serve is so generous (does anyone else thing the haloumi looks like toast in this photo)?!

I wash all of this down with a juice. This red coloured juice is aptly, but probably PC incorrectly, called The Ranga! It's a mix of orange juice, watermelon juice and ginger (if you heart desires). It's very tasty, but I think it's more Strawberry Blonde than Ranga.
I really loved my first visit to Bread and Circus. It was hearty, filling and tasty. The atmosphere is lovely and the staff were very friendly.

A few weeks later I'm back at Bread and Circus with my sister who lives not too far away. I was really hoping for more salad but alas, no lunches before noon. We arrived at 11am so it's just too long to string things out til lunch is served so I end up ordering toast with feta, tomatoes and a side of their delicious haloumi. I did have a bit of a struggle deciding what to order for brunch as nothing really leapt out at me...I definitely think, for me, lunches are the way to go here. They just seem a bit more interesting and no so run-of-the-mill.

Bread and Circus is at 21 Fountain Street, Alexandria. Phone them on 9698 2939.