Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Abercrombie, Broadway

The Abercrombie. For when too much deep-fried food is never enough (so basically all the time, right)?

Deep-fried Pizza anyone? Photo thanks to Flick Your Food

I'd been reading quite a lot about The Abercrombie (aka the former grungy Australia Hotel on Broadway) and their penchant for deep-frying just about anything - pizza, Golden Gaytimes, Macaroni and Cheese, Twinkies.  I'm sure if a lettuce sat idle for too long in The Abercrombie kitchen it'd get a turn in the deep-fryer too.  Not that there's anything wrong with that.

I'd be avoiding The Abercrombie for over a year now - just because I'd like to not put on any more weight that I already have since starting the blog. And then I though F#ck it...in for a penny, in for a pound! I'm not called Miss Piggy for nothing.  I rounded up a group of like-minded food bloggers and a group of converged on The Abercrombie to get our Deep-Fried on!

The thing I was most excited to try were the Deep-Fried Mac and Cheese Balls which I'm glad to say were as fantastic as I'd hoped they be.  Cheesy macaroni encased in a bread-crumb batter and deep-fried to within an inch of its life. Excellent. Oh, and there were Beef Nachos too, but they weren't deep fried so I wasn't interested in them. Really.

Another dish on my deep-fried wish list were the Hot Chips (crinkle cut thank you very much) served with gherkins, gravy and aioli.  I guess the gherkins are there as the token vegetable to help cut through all the grease - works for me. If I was eating this on my own I think I would've dumped the gravy and aoili all over the chips/gherkins just to see what it tasted like. Oh, the deep-fried Calamari served with garlic aioli was pretty nice too.

Somehow some more non deep-fried food found its way to our table. I admit that I ordered the Fish Taco and it was GREAT. Surprisingly the fish wasn't deep-fried, but a fresh piece of fish (and the lettuce on the Taco wasn't deep-fried either). The Cheese and Jalapeno Enchiladas were also delicious.  There were also hotdogs on offer, covered in a mound of chili beef and melted cheese ooze; and a few burgers that my camera refused to photograph (Fish Burger = awesome).

Photo thanks to Flick Your Food
And last, but not least, the dish that EVERYONE was here to try - the Deep-Fried Golden Gaytime.  It was fun and games trying to explain to the expats at our table what a Golden Gaytime was - they were urged to duck out to their local corner shop and try the real deal ASAP.

The batter of the ice-cream was basically the same as the batter on deep-fried ice cream at you local Chinese joint...so it was GOOD!  The ice-cream was pretty soft though and melted really quickly (not helped along by us all taking photos of aforementioned soft melty ice cream).

Photo thanks to Flick Your Food
The Abercrombie is fun night out. The pub is still pretty grungy, packed to the rafters on a Friday night and the courtyard is an asthmatics worst nightmare...smokers EVERYWHERE! Stay indoors, grab a big table and order up big. It's heaps of deep-fried fun. Burp.

The Abercrombie is at 100 Broadway (aka Parramatta Road or George Street depending on your view of the world). 

 The Abercrombie on Urbanspoon

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