Today kicks off the beginning of the inaugural
Meat Free Week challenge. Starting today I'll be cutting meat completely out of my diet for a week (which is really not long at all)...and after that I'll be cutting WAY back on the amount of meat I eat.
I've signed up to Meat Free Week in order to do my bit to help raise money for the animal advocacy group
Voiceless who (among other things) aim to raise awareness of the terrible, horrible, cruel and inhumane plight of animals raised in factory farms . I also hope to raise peoples awareness to the fact that we don't need to eat
sooo much meat (really we don't) and about the cruel realities of factory farming! I wrote about why I'm doing Meat Free Week a few weeks ago -
check it out - and if you're so inclined you can head over here to
sponsor my efforts (please and thanks).
Image from the Meat Free Week website |
Back on the balcony garden and my two little tomato bushes continue to do their thing and produce lovely red, flavoursome tomatoes - albeit a little smaller than the packet says they are supposed to be. No matter how small they're being put to good use in helping me try out some a new vegetarian recipes that might get a look in during
Meat Free Week.
Did this tomato commit suicide, or do you think he was pushed? I think a Currawong threw him to his death. |
As an aside I recently learned that there are two types of tomatoes,
indeterminate which grow VERY tall and fruit over a long period and
determinate which are more shrub like and produce all their fruit pretty much all at once.
By a stroke of sheet luck I've been growing the later, which is great as I don't think a 10ft tall tomato plant would fit on my balcony. The downside is that most of my tomatoes have "happened" in the space of a few weeks. At one stage I had a bowl full of little tomatoes that I had no idea what to do with other than they'd be a good base for
something vegetarian...but what?
My fellow food blogging friend
Muppy suggested I try making
Shakshuka Eggs - a middle eastern dish that uses tomatoes as the core ingredient. This coupled with the fact that I was promised it was a super easy dish to make won me over.
A quick fling with Mr Google revealed more recipes for Shakshuka Eggs than you can poke a spatula at. One thing was clear - nearly every recipe was slightly different highlighting that this is a highly personal and regional dish. I just picked the
two easiest
looking ones (surprise surprise) with the least ingredients and kind of made a blend of the two. The most important thing of course is to
use FREE RANGE EGGS as the lives lived by
chickens raised in caged-egg (and even barn raised) systems is just horrible and beyond cruel.
The dish turned out...
alright but I couldn't help but compare it to the baked eggs that my favourite cafe,
Circa Espresso make. Their eggs have a much more rich + spicy flavour which I think is partially due to the addition of Sujak (spicy lamb sausage). I can easily overcome this next time by adding more smoked paprika + chilli. I also spent
so long photographing my finished dish that the egg yolks went hard...noooo! I also got in a bit of strife with The Boy as I used his favourite non-stick pan that I then proceeded to eat out of with a metal fork. Oops - sorry!
Nevermind, a good handful of homegrown parsley covered up the overcooked eggs and any scratches The Boy thinks I may have made in the pan.
You can view more Harvest Monday posts on
Daphne's Dandelions blog. Visit the
Meat Free Website to find out more about the campaign (and for some good reasons why we should ALL considering reducing our meat intake).
Please sponsor me for Meat Free Week
here...thanks peeps.